Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Minnesota Legislature - FAIL Notice

To the members of the Minnesota Legislature, Republicans and DFL'ers alike...this FAIL notice is for you. Yet again you FAILED to get a balanced budget done. Yet again you expected to slog through another extended session and hold the Minnesota government hostage on the brink of a shut down in a ham handed attempt to shove a bunch of new spending down the tax payers throats in these economically trying times. Fortunately for the citizens of Minnesota, Governor Pawlenty was having none of it and simply told you all to go home. No extended session thank you very much, I'll take care of this for you.

As a group you,the state Legislators, appear to be either afraid or unable to make the tough decisions needed to close our budgetary gaps. Now you stand on the political sidelines wailing at the horrible inequity of it all; moaning about the "terrible" budgetary decisions that the Governor must now make on your behalf. The decisions you could have controlled and made yourselves. I am NOT having it...I call shenanigans on the lot of you.

Here's my deal...Each legislator is sent to our state capital to represent the state's best interests...my best interests. That means more than engaging in party politics while clinging to the lofty idealistic crap that got you elected. You are supposed to go there and make tough decisions on our behalf. Instead you debated ineffectively and simply failed to get things done. You are supposed to make the tough calls in these very tough times. THAT is how you represent my best interests. Instead you got sent home by Governor Pawlenty who saw your last session for what it was, ineffective. Unlike yourselves he is willing to shoulder the burden of the tough decisions.

Don't get me wrong, I do not think Governor Pawlenty walks on water. I certainly do not relish the thought of one person making the lion's share of the budgetary decisions for the entire state. That's not the representation I want either. But the Legislators of Minnesota failed to represent us leaving the Governor little choice.

A final note for the voters of Minnesota. IF YOU ARE NOT MAD THEN YOU ARE NOT PAYING ATTENTION. Your state legislators failed you...AGAIN. Call them on this B.S.You should fire them then next chance you get.

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